Thursday, September 12, 2019

Laptop and phone problems.

My laptop was broken for over a month before I had to go get a new one, and towards the tail end of that my phone started going too, and to tell the truth I'm pretty proud of myself and how I handled that, since I can get pretty worked up over deadlines and all my writing projects pretty much just stalled out for all that time when I didn't have a laptop.

I did manage to snag a few hours of writing at some public library branches here and there, but otherwise I just read books and focused on studying a new language, and my attitude was that whenever the situation would get worked out, it'd get worked out, and it did.

The only time I really got mad was when I pulled out my old laptop and tried doing word processing on there, only to discover that a huge section of its keyboard didn't work... I think I got ticked off because I had forgotten about that and gotten my hopes up, only to have my expectations ruined.

"No expectations," those are key words to live by.

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