Sunday, September 8, 2019

Assisted living training (2 of 2): Cleaning a vagina.

At that same assisted living training, they gave a presentation about cleaning male and female genitals, and they had a blown-up picture on a stand that they would point to and then demonstrate on with a dry washcloth.

For cleaning a vagina, the presenter clarified that you wipe top-to-bottom on outer folds, each in turn, then top-to-bottom on inner folds, each in turn, then inside, and there you "scoop like ice cream."

"Why did you have to say that?", one (black) lady in the audience was like.

"I didn't say it was ice cream, I said to scoop like ice cream," the (black) lady presenter was like.

"Still, I don't want to think of that, I want my ice cream!", the first (black) lady was like.

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