Saturday, September 7, 2019

Assisted living training (1 of 2): Toe fungus.

The other week at an assisted living training, one (older) (black) lady who was attending was somehow asked about something from her job as part of the presentation, and then she went off topic and began talking about how peroxide is good if you've got toe fungus, you just put it in a spray bottle and spray it all over your feet once a day, and it clears up really quickly.

As she explained it, she had really bad toe fungus, "and the Lord told me to share it with my neighbor."

"I was like, 'What?', since why would they want to hear about my nasty toenails falling off, but I went and did it anyway," she was like.

She then said that her neighbor was like "you're doing what?" when she told her about how she was treating her toe fungus, and so her neighbor clued her in about putting peroxide in a spray bottle and using that on it.

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