Sunday, January 20, 2019

People on the subway: Two people in the same place.

The other week I was going in to work on the subway, and like a stop or two later a(n older) (grizzled) (black) man in like a tan coat and pants gets on with a couple of shopping bags, and he sits in the seat opposite me and puts a paper cup down on the floor to his left, and then he goes into his one white plastic shopping bag that he has with him and he pulls out a foil pack that he unwraps and eats from, and as he eats, a few times he leans over and puts a few aluminum foil peelings that he had torn off from the packet into the paper cup, and as he eats, too, what's in the foil packet gets gradually revealed, and it's a big cheeseburger.

He also smacks a bit after every bite, as he's chewing.

A few stops later, he gets off.

Like on the other side of the city after that, a (more cleanly dressed) (somewhat younger) (black) man sits down in the same seat and pretty much the same posture as the other guy, and he stares out the window.

Every once in a while, too, he loudly taps his fingers on the subway car window sill, as he looks out it and thinks.

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