Friday, January 25, 2019

A (later middle aged) (white) woman on the subway.

The other week I was sitting on the subway going into work, and a (later middle aged) (white) woman with (frizzy) (brown) hair and (crazy) eyes and who's in a light tan fringed leather jacket gets on on crutches and hobbles over and sits down next to me, and as she sits down a crutch of hers swings out and whacks me.

"Sorry I assaulted you!" she was like, a little too brightly.

After a while, every now and then she would cough loudly into her hand, and her fingers were a bit apart so it was almost like the germs could fly right through and out into the car.

Later, a man got on and sat down to my left and opposite her, and he had these (bright blue) shoes on.

"Oh your shoes!", she cried out loudly to the guy, and mumbled something about how much she likes them and how her friend has a pair just like them and would love them.

Later again, she began looking up and diagonally and a bit back, towards the ceiling of the car and a bit out the window, and her eyes looked like they were tearing up.

. . .

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