Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A man on the subway.

The other week on my way into work, a(n older) (black) man was sitting across from me and a little to the right, and he had a walker in front of him.

After a while, the train took a turn or something, and the walker started rolling forward a bit and tipping over some, so I leaned forward and reached out and steadied it, and then I pushed it back a little and returned it to its place.

"Thank you," he was like.

"No problem, sir," I was like.

Later, a(n old) (short) (gray haired) (white) woman came on the train with a mini walker, the kind with four big wheels and brakes and a sloping forward look rather than the taller boxy look, and she sat down for a while, and then leapt up at one stop when the doors were open and about to close, since she must have zoned out and not realized that she was at her stop already.

Usually I see no walkers at all, and then I see two walkers in one day.  How odd.

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