Monday, January 21, 2019

Conversation with another assisted living aide.

The other week at a labor event I met this cool (younger) (black) woman who works in assisted living and who has been active in labor drives around it.

She said she used to work as a journalist, but she came home to take care of her sister, once her sister got sick and needed help.

We started talking about how assisted living services can help people remain independent and keep up quality of life and keep them out of for-profit homes, too, which are typically worse for the person and more expensive to boot than home care, at certain levels.

"A friend of mine had a family member in a home," she was like. "Her bed sore on her back got so bad, you could stick your fist in it, and see some of the ribs."

She also said that she recently was at another event and the governor elect was there, so she went up to him to bring up state assisted living programs, and remind him of their importance and his pledge to maintain and expand them.

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