Saturday, December 22, 2018

Two observations of a homeless person.

The other week I was heading from my lawyer's office to my one job where I assist a woman with disabilities, and I had to take a bus on a busline that I'm usually never on.

And, at one stop, like about 5-6 (black) (homeless) men got on.

And, as we went up the street in this chi-chi neighborhood, this one guy who seemed affable was just sprawled out on a seat and talking loudly about where people he knows lives.

And, as we passed this old shuttered ornate bank, he tells this guy, "Yeah, like ten to fifteen Polish guys live in there, if you're out here in the morning you'll see them coming out in the alley," and he said that they live in the basement and even have beds and put down carpeting and everything.

Then he saw me listening and was like, "You probably can't believe this, can you?", and I said no, and then I asked him how they got in, and he said the lock on the front door was broken, and they originally got in that way.

Then, he went back to talking affably to his friend.

And, a few blocks later, we pass a U-Haul storage place, and he's like, "One of my friends lives in there, he has a little box, seventy-six dollars a month, and he just rolls out his bedroll and sleeps in it, seventy-six dollars a month, that's smart."

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