Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Two comments of my one (Mexican) resthome coworker who likes true crime.

The other week at the resthome, my last resident of the night to help was this one resident who likes her nighttime TV and who I try to help between TV programs right when one program has ended and before another one begins so that I don't bother her and interrupt her TV watching, but on that particular night I got delayed and I got there at like 9:15pm or 9:20pm, not at nine on the dot.

And, she was like, "Do we have to do this now? I want to watch this" when I said I had come a bit later than usual but still wanted to assist her, and then when I said we could still do it quick between commercials, she was still surprisingly stubborn, since usually that's less than ideal but still okay with her.

And, her program came back on when I was assisting her, and I half-listened to it some while I was working with her so I could catch her up after we had finished, and wouldn't you know it, I got hooked, since it was the story of the only known instance where a Munchausen by proxy victim upped and killed the person who was taking care of them and pretending that they were sick.

"Do you mind if I watch this with you for a bit?", I was like, after we had finished and I had escorted her back to in front of her TV.

"Please do," she was like.

And, I kept watching the TV show for like twenty or thirty minutes, I was so addicted.

Afterwards I had to run down to the office to get ready to go since it was already time to clock out, and I bumped into my one (Mexican) coworker who likes true crime.

When I started gushing to her about the great true crime show I had just been watching with that one resident and I ended my summary with "...and the daughter turned out not to be sick at all!", my one (Mexican) coworker was like, "That's a good one."

Later, she also observed, "See, when you're tired, you're tired" (i.e., 'when you get sick and tired of something, you really get sick and tired of it'), since I guess that that was the lesson that she had learned from that true crime story.

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