Wednesday, October 31, 2018

You know what's awesome?

The landlord and his girlfriend and his two kids, like a baby and a six year old, moved in upstairs this summer.

And, they've decorated for Halloween!

Strings of skull lights on the front fence, a glittery pumpkin cut-out on their door, garbage bags tied up to look like big spiders sitting on the front stoop, that kind of thing.

My family never did that when I was younger and I don't think I've ever lived in an apartment that had that, and it's kind of fun to have around, to be honest.

The best part is is that someone else did all the decorating for me, and I just enjoy it when I come and go from my apartment and I see it sitting all out there!

I never thought I'd admit to liking something like this, unnecessary objects from consumer culture, and all the consumption.

I guess "an old dog can learn new tricks," and "don't knock it till you've tried it."

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