Sunday, April 22, 2018

A turn-of-phrase by my one (lesbian) coworker.

At my one healthcare aide job, one of my coworkers is (lesbian) and a (pagan) to boot, and she used to work in some kind of doctor's office years ago, before she got into the work situation she's in now along with me and another aide.

The other week when me and her were changing shifts, we started talking about Passover, and she mentioned how the doctor who she used to work for was Jewish, and how they had to clean out the entire office fridge and whatnot for yeast during Passover, and that that entire week they couldn't bring any food in, so he used to pay for all of the non-Jewish office staff to go out to eat in nearby restaurants, since it would be tough for them to figure out what food to bring in and then you'd have to check it anyways and on top of all that it wasn't even their holiday, anyway.

"And at that time I was out of the broom closet...", she was like, when she started to say how cool it was of the doctor to buy her lunch out.

She also said that because people there worked ten hour shifts, there was one place where people kept snacks to eat when they were super hungry, and it was kind of an open secret that the doctor knew about but didn't want to know about.

Also also, she said that she found it beautiful, that to commemorate ancestral suffering, people went through suffering themselves, in an act of unity and remembrance.

"I'm not glad that they suffered," she was like, "But it's wonderful to remember the suffering of others like that, so it's not forgotten."

. . .

I love second-wave feminists.

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