Thursday, April 26, 2018

Activity levels of my one new job.

My one new job at the resthome has me running around a lot, though there's a few periods of dead time each day where you can sit around and read and whatnot and dick around with your phone, so long as nobody doesn't need any help.

What I've noticed, though, is that even if I'm supertired by the end of a shift, a lot of times I'll get home, eat, and then get a second wind where I can't get to bed right away, no matter how tired I was earlier.

I'm going to have to figure this out.  Since I work second shift, it's important that I be able to do that, so I can be up relatively early the next day and knock on doors for an hour or two for my campaign before work.

Instead, I stay up a bit, and then the next day I wake up and my legs are sore and I just feel bonetired and I want to go to sleep for another hour or two.

The one guy who helped me train said that he lost forty pounds since he got this job a few years ago, and I can see how I might, too.

That'd definitely be a plus side, to keep me in shape so I look good in front of the voters.

"Me, a candidate."

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