Saturday, April 21, 2018

Surprising Consensus on Crime.

It's been interesting to go out and talk to people about crime prevention and response, for my campaign.

What's interesting is that public conversation is focusing a ton on recidivism, especially among young people.

With that, there's *hugely* discrepant initial reactions when the subject comes up, with a lot of old-time residents being "throw the book at them," especially with gang members, and with younger activist people tending to talk about the "school to prison pipeline" and over-policing.

If you focus on other situations, though, there's actually incredibly broad consensus.

Pretty much everyone agrees that we should have more youth activities, to get people into healthier channels while you still can, and then with people with multiple run-ins with the law, there's also a lot of agreement there too for jailing them harshly to keep people to safe, especially when firearms have been involved.

With both of those perspectives on crime, though, there seems to be a tendency to talk past one another, and not linger in the gray areas...

All in all, very interesting!

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