Saturday, February 24, 2018

Chit-chatting with two (Mexican) workers.

The other week I was at my one disability care job, and I had to take down a lot of recycling to the bins behind the building, for my one client who I was working for.

There, there was some kind of work going on, and two (Mexican) guys had two manhole covers open, and there were tubes going into them and they were doing something with all of that, them in their dirty t-shirts and me coming out hauling all that recycling, in two plastic bags and one paper.

"Hi," I was like as I went up to the bin and the one guy opened it for me from the other side where he was standing, and then I said something about the work they were doing, to which that same guy replied something about them flushing some system from the building or something like that.

"Oh," I was like, "Just remember, when you finish, don't close them up and come let me know instead," and then, after a dramatic pause just when they were looking puzzled, I was like, "I want to put my mother-in-law in there."

At that, the one guy who had been speaking with me laughed immediately, and a split second later the other guy did too, since probably his English wasn't so good and it took him a second to process it.

Then, the one guy with the better English was like, "Me and you both!", and he pointed to the open manhole covers.  "One for you, one for me!"

And at that, he laughed heartily.

. . .

I would be a good politician, that situation was nothing till I talked, and then we bonded.

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