Thursday, February 22, 2018

Night on the subway.

The other Saturday night after work, I stopped and had some pho and read a book a bit at a Vietnamese restaurant near my one client's house, and then I took the subway home.

Almost just south of downtown, the subway stopped, and there was some triggered pre-recorded announcement about how the train was stopped since the operator had left the car.

We all waited a while - maybe ten minutes? - and then a pre-recorded announcement happened again, only this time they said that there was a delay due to a medical emergency.

It was like ten-thirty or ten forty-five at night, and then next thing me and the other passengers know, there's fire department personnel and EMTs walking down the platform, one now, and then another, and then wait a minute, and then a few more, all straggling here and there whatnot, but all going down the platform in the same direction, probably to go help someone out.

Meanwhile, I was on the last car on the train, which can always be a little more crowded, and it was like all (black), and one of the recent passengers was this (tall) (dreaded and bearded) (chubby-faced) (like maybe early 20s) (black) guy, who was pacing around a bit at the end of the car, and he had an open bottle of vodka in his hand.

He kept pacing in and out and sometimes just out of the car entrance, and when he did that, he was looking down the platform to see what was happening.

Then, he kept that up, but every time he stepped out side the car, he started yelling down the platform, "Bitch, you get on and drive this train, you messing with my schedule bitch, don't make me come down there and hit you, bitch," etc. etc. etc.

And, at that, (black) people who had looked around humorously at each other exchanging glances like people do when there's something wacky happening on the subway, all those people kind of tensed up, and their glances suddenly became a lot more nervous all of a sudden.

So, the guy did that a few more times, and then a (black) (male) train conductor walked up very calmly, and was like, "Sir, we're going to have to ask you to stop using profanity," etc. etc. etc., at which point the guy was like, "Don't make me shoot you, I'm a gangbanger ass motherfucker."

At that, me and a few other people got up and left the car through the entrance on the other end, and I circled around and went down to a car further down, to where I thought I'd be far enough away in case shooting happened and someone started running and firing.

Like a minute after that, from the direction where the medical emergency was happening, they wheeled off a (young) (black) woman with her head all tucked around with blankets, and this (young) (black) guy next to me said he had heard it was a seizure, when I asked him if he had heard what was happening.

. . .

In any case, by that point, the guy seemed to have stopped doing his erratic anger thing at the conductor, but the (male) conductor was still hovering there, and then the train was about to get going, but they announced that it was going to go express all the way from the next stop to way south of my stop where I have to get off at, so I ended up getting out and just sticking around for the next train, anyhow.

I had my work satchel and my little takeout container of pho and everything, me and a few other people on the platform waiting for the next train, which we could see down the line waiting since it had been backed up.

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