Sunday, May 28, 2017

Offhand comment of my one library supervisor.

The other week, I was chit-chatting with my one (older) (black) library supervisor, and he asked how I was doing.

"Good," I was like, "But a bit tired, I was up late last night reading a Balzac novel."

"Really?", he was like.

"Yeah," I was like.  "It's about this woman and they had been hinting at her secret for a while, and I finally was getting to the part where they tell you what her secret is, and next thing you know, it's like one-thirty."

"That sounds like a soap opera," he was like.

"I guess it is," I was like.

I then asked him if he read for fun, and he said no, and then I asked him if watched tv or movies, and he said no, not really, and then I asked what he did for fun, for recreation.

"I listen to music from my youth," he was like.

"Oh, like the late nineties?", I was like.

At that, he laughed, "Yes, let's just keep it at that."

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