Saturday, May 27, 2017

Pharmacy happenings.

The other day I had to pop into the local family-run pharmacy in my neighborhood, and all the townies were there.

"How's it going?", I was like, asking the (quiet) (younger) (backward baseball hatted) (white) guy with an evangelical tattoo who works the counter.

"Same old same old," he was like.  "Another day, another holler."

Then, he turned to the (older) (white) woman who was next to him, and he was like, "You ever hear that, Rose, 'Another day, another holler'?".

Then, he said the same thing to the guy who was working sorting pills down the counter.

That day, I also bought a lotto ticket, which I've been meaning to do.  It was scratch-off and it cost three bucks, and I won three bucks.

What with my finances, playing the lotto makes a lot of sense; I can afford to eat the losses, but if I win big, I win big.

Honestly, it's not like I have a lot of money in my future otherwise, or at least not for a while.

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