Monday, February 20, 2017

Trapped by tourists.

The other week I was downtown doing some sale and bargain shopping, and I was walking down by the one local TV studio that has a big glass window out front so that you can stop and watch the newscasters doing their job.

Across the street from that very spot, too, is an iconic theater sign of the city.

Anyhow, as I was walking, some people who were paused to take a picture across the street and get the theater sign in the frame waved me past, but then the very next group was some more people who were stopped to get a picture in front of the news studio, and I couldn't walk around the next group, since the photo taker was backed up against a huge fenced planting bed that kept you from going out into the street.

So, I stopped in between the two groups, and I was waiting for both of them to finish taking their pictures, the one across the street to get the theater sign in the frame and the other one in front of the news studio window.

In other words, I was trapped by tourists!

I wouldn't have minded waiting - honestly, it's not like it would have been *that* long - but then the person preparing to take the news studio photo noticed what was happening, and she laughed and stopped and waved me through.

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