Sunday, January 8, 2017

Decently costly carelessness with my phone charger.

This year I've sunk like $80 on replacement phone chargers, all because I've carried them in my backpack too much and the cord got banged around with two of them, and once one of the outlet prongs got bent.

The first time I picked up a replacement at the local Cricket store ($30), then like two months later that died when I was on vacation visiting relatives and my mom popped for a new charger at a local Radio Shack there ($20), then *that* one died the other week, so I called in late to work, waited for the Radio Shack on the way in to school to open, and got a new charger there ($30 for the charging hub alone, which surprised me, since I got everything for $20 at the last Radio Shack, which is why I sought one out again).

Anyhow, I think this uncharacteristic carelessness of mine is symptomatic of how much I've been running around this term, between my two jobs, my studies, and my applying for full-time jobs.  A lot of times I haven't had a chance to charge my phone fully before I leave for school and I'm working 10-12 hour days on those days, so I just fire the charger into my backpack, and this has been the result.

And, $80 is a lot of money over the course of a year, and it's even worse when you consider that I make somewhere around $10 an hour at my near-minimum wage library job.

It's like I'm being penalized in life for having more money, and that being penalized results in further penalties.

I can't wait till I get the f*ck out of higher ed and I'm in a full-time job somewhere with decent hours and decent money.

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