Thursday, January 12, 2017

A compliment from a library coworker.

The other week me and a library coworker met in the stacks and got reacquainted (I had forgotten his face, I've talked to so many people about unionization).

Anyhow, he was super supportive (in fact, just the other day, I had seen his name in the list I keep, and I was trying to remember his face), and in any case, he asked me how the unionization was going.

When I told him well, he was like, "You're a lot like Lenin."

"How so?", I was like.

"You go in and get something done," he was like.  "And, if you weren't doing something here, you'd be doing something somewhere else."

He's Canadian and working class, too, and he said it was interesting to come from a superunionized university where the student body had become wealthy and the union was a protection for jagoffs and most of the kids there didn't even really need higher wages, to the university where we're at, where one is needed and there's so much that needs to be done in terms of just having basics.

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