Saturday, January 7, 2017

Networking event chitchat:

1) The networking coordinator I know says that in D.C., everyone's trying to make it, but they're not upfront about it like in New York, and instead there's all these little cliques and cabals and everyone is plotting against each other all the time, though you don't realize it at first.

2) The speaker of the week did fish conservation up in Wisconsin, so when we were all drinking later I asked him if he was trying to get Prairie du Chien to refreeze and reuse the carp after its annual New Years Eve Carpdrop (instead of a ball touching ground to signal that the New Year has begun, they use a frozen fish)...

He didn't know that event, so I had to explain it to him, and then he started laughing, and telling me about some hamburger festival that had slip-and-slides filled with ketchup.

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