Sunday, December 25, 2016

Bar convo (1 of 2): Thanksgiving Santa.

The other Friday night I was at the one (too brightly lit) neighborhood bar near my apartment, and this (younger middle-aged) (white) woman a few stools down was talking a bit too loudly to her friend and the one bartender who was working.

She used to be the 2nd lead bartender at a major chain restaurant that was a sponsor of the city's Thanksgiving parade, and she said the place was always slammed afterwards from the advertising, and because a Santa who was on the float was there after the parade, too, for the kids.

She said he was nice, and would hang out after his Santa-ing and drink Jack Daniels.

Every once in a while, too, he'd pop in during the summer, and he would always leave whoever was working a nice tip.

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