Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Dollar store clerk's Thanksgiving.

The other week I was in the dollar store and ran into that one (young) (hispanic) clerk whose girlfriend's (evangelical) parents made him change his dyed hair if he wanted to keep seeing her.

I asked him how his Thanksgiving was, and he said he had spent it with them, and it was kind of nice.

"Why?", I was like. "I thought they were giving you shit about your hair?".

"Yeah," he was like, "But that's all gone now, I just got it cut, and the last of the dye is gone."

He then said that he appreciated their Thanksgiving, because his family's is a drunkfest, but with theirs, everyone paused and said what they were thankful for, and then later everyone had a little something to drink with dinner.

"Yeah, drinking can be too much sometimes with family dinners like that," I was like.

"Yeah," he was like, "I wanted to skip because my ex was there, but then I'm glad I missed because my mom was so drunk, I was getting texts all night."

He then said this his (Mexican) family plays that lotteria game, and they had shots on some squares, and his mom got so drunk that she broke 2 of his aunt's shotglasses, and they were from her special collection from different places she's been in the U.S., and she was pissed.

. . .

I could see that kid as a convert to evangelicalism...  Very passive, kind of likes some things about the culture, would probably take the rest of it with a grain of salt.

Very disturbing.

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