Thursday, April 7, 2016

Sliding Chair.

Somehow, one of my 1950s black vinyl and chrome chairs had a leg get bent with the metal, and as I sat in it the other week - it's the one chair at my table that I regularly sit in - the leg gradually started bending and sliding outwards, and I noticed the chair would do that, unless I positioned my weight properly so that it was borne by the other three legs.

After a while, I accidentally put too much weight on that leg, which made the leg slide out even more, even when I tried balancing my weight like before.

So, I swapped that chair out with another one at the table.

I'd almost throw it out, but I very rarely have guests, and having only 3 chairs at a 4-sided table would look funny, and all the chairs match my 1950s decor so nicely.

The next time I do have guests over, though, I'll have to make sure that no-one sits in that one chair...

Fortunately, I tend to keep papers on the chair in the position where I had swapped the bad chair into, so that will militate against a chance bad accident.

...anyhow, look at me, I'm getting (more) eccentric...

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