Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Shocking experience with art school internal policy:

After getting railroaded into internal policy decisions after I suffered an apparent legal violation, I kicked stuff up through different internal levels at the art school, to see what would happen.

At the point of filing a Grievance, I had to go back through extensive documentation (30+ email exchanges), and at that point I noticed 2 slip-ups I had made, which didn't affect core concerns, but complicated the case enough to where it made filing a Grievance not worth it.

That really was a "wake up" call for me.

I've done investigative reporting, and I thought that I had all of my "i"s dotted and "t"s crossed, but I didn't.

I can't even imagine being someone with even less power and less knowledge and having gone through something even more traumatic - e.g. being a sexually assaulted student - and then undergoing the same sort of experience with institution-internal policy.

It really is like you're violated twice, and my issues were very, very mild, in comparison.

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