Sunday, October 11, 2015

Addendum (containing memories of Africa).

Years and years ago, when I was in West Africa in order to visit a friend in the Peace Corps, I went to Mali to do a hiking trip that my friend highly recommended.

The guide Omar is not only Dogon, but also speaks both English and French in a French-speaking country, which means he gets a lot of English-speaking tourists.

I remember that he would do imitation of British people with an imitated British accent.

"Omar," he was like, "Take a picture of me drinking millet beer, so I can show my mum a picture of me drinking millet beer.  Couldn't you please, Omar?"

"Doesn't he totally get British people?!", my one friend in the Peace Corps who knew him was like, when we caught up when I finally met up with her on the trip.

Also, I later re-told that story to my one friend from my hometown who runs an integrated women's / domestic violence shelter, and I told her how I find it funny to listen to British people talk among themselves, since they talk about things that Americans would never talk about, mostly concrete inanities from everyday life, as best as I can figure out, giving her a few examples.

"They talk like old people," she was like.

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