Thursday, December 4, 2014

Debate at student bar with local musician / music teacher: Music producers.

The other week when I was at the student bar I ran into a (late 40s) (black) (female) musician/music teacher who I know, and like always, we started talking.

Somehow, we got on the subject of musicianship and producers, and she said she didn't consider producers nowadays producers, since to her a producer was someone like Quincy Jones, who could really pick up and play every instrument.

Though, she did recognize that producers nowadays do have talent, but she wouldn't group them with people like Quincy Jones or say their talent was music in the same way.

Midway through, when she got a new drink, I bought it for her, telling her that I appreciated so much what she did as a music educator, since I had also had talented, conscientious music educators in my life, and they just don't get enough thanks.

Later in the conversation, I needed to run to the bathroom, and she was like, "Okay, tinkle, baby!".

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