Saturday, October 20, 2012

Memories of Bars (2 of 3): Books.

At another bar later that night, in the bar part of a Greek restaurant, I was reading a book for school I had with me, since the bar was slow, which made the (young) (foreign) waitress ask if I liked to read.

When I said yes, she was like, "I don't," and said she had only read 10 books in her life.

"Well," I was like, "I hope they were good ones."

"They were," she was like, and when I asked, she said that 9 were by Danielle Steele (sp.?), and she can't remember who the other one was by, but it was good, too.

"Even in school," she was like, "I said, no books, I don't care, give me an F."

Then, she admitted that a friend gave her a crime novel a few months ago, and she did read a bit of it, but stopped after the 1st page.

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