Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tutoring Update (2 of 2): New Students.

The one philosophy ph.d. student from a different university who I tutored a few times to help him catch up after his mom died is hiring me all summer, so that with him I can help him get through the remaining chapters of the grammar and he can be reading texts by end of the summer (and the remaining semester of grammar, which he'll take in the fall, will just be review).

We're renegotiating prices because so many sessions will be costly for him, but that's fine with me - I'd enjoy the consistent money, and the chance to read Epictetus or Plato with him by August!

I also have 2 inquiries from people who want to start learning Latin, and so I'm going to see if I can guide them in self-studying through a Latin textbook, as I'm doing now with someone.  I'm pushing them off till the beginning of June, though, because of a dissertation chapter deadline and my Hebrew class finishing up.

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