Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I feel like a jackass.

Since I've been doing my ph.d., I've been taking advantage of cheap student tix to the opera and free classical music in the park downtown during the summer.

(Growing up where I did, I really value this kind of stuff, and it makes me wince to hear people trash the free classical music festival orchestra, because it's still damned good, even it's not the same as the city's professional orchestra.)

So, a few weekends ago, I went with friends to Shostakovich's "Moscow, Cheryomushki", which is a comic opera about Krushchov-era housing policies.  It was quite enjoyable, even though the libretto was translated into a stilted English, but then at the end of one fantasy ballet scene, I thought I recognized a version of the final chords of Stravinsky's "Firebird", and I felt like such an asshole for being in on the reference.

Then, later that night, when I was home and reading through the program, I read that Shostakovich quoted a lot of famous Russian classical music in the score, and I realized I must have been right...

I feel like I can't discuss stuff like that with people, for fear of being an asshole.

In any case, it's reminded me that forever now I've wanted to read a biography of Shostakovich.  I might check one out, right after I finish the books I'm reading now.  I'd be interested to hear about his life and his interactions with the government and Soviet arts policy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with being knowledgeable about cultural things. How does that make you an asshole? I think you suffer from reverse snobism. Being ignorant is not noble. Accept who you are. As Martha would say, it's a good thing.