Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My mother's new obsession.

The other week I called my mother on my birthday, and it turns out that she caught a bit of the 5th season of "Madmen" on TV, and she liked it so much that she saw if the local library had DVDs of the show, and since they did, she checked out the first few season and went on like a 5-6 day binge in which she watched episode upon episode as long as she good.

"It's so good!", she was like.  "There's really good writing, and I like the history in it."

She said she liked how they showed the role of women in the workplace, and how people reacted to the JFK assassination, but most of all she likes their eye for detail, and she swears that the writers must have grown up during the era.

Her all-time favorite part was where some people were having a party, and they had the kids run around and get them drinks.  My mom says that she still remembers my grandparents having parties in their garage and people asking her and my uncle to go run and get them a beer, and how at my uncle's First Communion Party, they were all dressed and sitting in the small living room of the house my grandma used to have, and someone had my uncle go run and get them a beer too.

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