Thursday, May 17, 2012

Horrible night of chills then hotness.

Two days ago I was at the gym weightlifting for the 1st time in a few weeks (I skipped my weightlifting day last week since I was really tired), so yesterday I woke up feeling like someone had beaten me up with a baseball bat, I was so sore.

I had a nice relaxed evening - no bars, just herbal tea and reading a Peoples Temple memoir at a local, relaxed coffee shop.

I was feeling very tired, so I walked home, and the evening was getting nippy, and so I got chilled when I was a few blocks from home.

Like an hour later when I was in bed, I was really really cold, no matter how much I wrapped myself in quilts and blankets.

I finally warmed up, only to wake up in the middle of the night burning hot, in the middle of all my blankets.

I was up on and off all night, and I never seemed like I could get to be the right temperature...

Like at 4am, for example, I was too cold in just a quilt and a sheet, then I was burning hot, and then cold again.

I was up at 6am for my 8am class and was a bit tired, and other than breaking a sweat on the subway, I seem to be fine, and I've been fine all morning.

I really do wonder what the heck was up with that - was that some weird physiological reaction, or me fighting something off, or what.  For a second there yesterday night when I was shivering I wondered if I had gotten malaria on my trip to Africa.


Anonymous said...

a nice relaxed evening - herbal tea and reading a Peoples Temple memoir at a local, relaxed coffee shop??? Only you could relax to a book about cults.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you were fighting off a virus or in alcohol withdrawal (just kidding). It really sounds like a virus.