Monday, March 19, 2012

Did shots with a former student.

A few weekends ago I was at the student bar near campus, and in walks this one undergraduate who had been in my section, and is now in med school at the same university.

I run into her from time to time, and she's totally a leftie who fights for women's rights and contraception, and learned about the New Testament from a debunking angle, because evangelicals had told her all this stuff about the bible and she was sure a lot of it wasn't true, but she had nothing to compare it with.

I was talking with her and her friends, so I was like, "Hey, let's do shots!", and she rolled with it and we did them.

I ended up hanging out with them more, and I found out that she is *pissed* about the birth control stuff going on.

I also found out that she went to Catholic high school growing up even though her family didn't practice, which is where her interest in religious studies got started. She said she wishes she could study a ton more of that, which is a typical response I get from people who went to Catholic high school but aren't practicing.

Somehow, a local milk company got brought up in conversation, and she warned me that the owner was a die-hard GOPer.

"I tell everyone that," she was like, and said that she remembers at her hometown in the state, the local hippie co-op would carry the milk brand and everyone would talk about how good and natural it was, and it surprised and disgusted her to find out who owned the company and that no-one seemed to know.

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