Wednesday, September 21, 2011

3 downtown bars (3 of 3): Italian restaurant.

After that bar, I went around the corner to an Italian restaurant, part of which was a caboose set into a building.

I walk in, and there's 2 (young) (white) guys standing near the front talking seriously and both have their wallets out, and there's these 2 very thin and beautiful (female) bartenders behind the bar, and this chunky (Asian-American) guy in a baseball cap and business clothes at the bar, and these two (white) guys in the same in a corner table.

Otherwise, the place is dead.

When the 1 (female) bartender went to go get something, the other one just held her hands over her head and started doing a very slow, very slinky dance, which made me realize that was probably a good way to kill time, tips-wise.

Later, she danced out from behind the bar and rubbed up against the (Asian American) guy, who just got a big ol' smile on his face.

Later, I went to meet my friends. I couldn't believe I was downtown, near places where normal people go.

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