Monday, September 19, 2011

3 downtown bars (1 of 3): Pizzeria.

These are some memorable bars from a while ago:

There's this pizzeria downtown right by a subway track, and outside there's this lovely sign from the 1950s, and inside there's tons of little tables, and a bar tucked away in back.

So, one very hot (summer) evening before meeting friends, I pop in for a drink.

It's very nice, with tons of black-and-white photos of local celebrities on the walls.

"How you doing?", this one (chunky) (heavily done up) (Puerto Rican?) waitress (in her late 30s) asks me as I come.

"Man, it's hot out there," I was like.

"I know!", she said. "My eyebrows melted off out there, I had to re-do them!"

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