Monday, November 29, 2010

Sex doc - at a new location!: Kink museum.

Through the email list I'm on, I found out that there was a Sat. afternoon screening of this sex documentary at this kink museum in the city that I've always heard about, and since the doc didn't seem half-bad - it was about 5 women of different ages who did self-esteem building activities to put them in touch with their sexuality and make them more comfortable with it - I decided to go.

The building was in an ethnic neighborhood and didn't have a clear sign out front, but it did have these banners with a silhouette of a tall leather boot on each side.

And, inside, it was like a normal museum entrace with a display case cash register etc., except that the coatroom had the word "UNIFORMS AND COATS' above the entrance, and the artwork in display in the lobby were these giant spray-painted pictures of buff gay men who were shirtless in leather jackets in chaps, and either had huge hardons going almost all the way down the top half of their leg under their jeans, or popped out.

And, by the entrance to the cinema there was this older fat pot-bellied (white) guy with a beard and a leather cop hot and vest selling refreshements he had made himself - cappucino brownies, muffins with dried fruit and orange icing, and pizza popcorn.

"Popcorn that tastes like pizza!", he was like. "I came up with the recipe myself."

And, a free beverage came with each one, so I got me a muffin and some pizza popcorn and a cup of coffee, and then went into the cinema...

Some people in the audience I recognized from the film series, including the one retired male nurse who had grown up in an Italian neighborhood as a thug but then became a sexologist, so I sat near him and caught up before the film started.

The film was decent, and the Q&A interested. The best questions was whether you could make the same doc with a group of straight guys, and people pretty much said no, because straight guys see sex as about performance and not pleasure and the 1st step to forming a group like that is admitting you're dissatisfied with your sex life, which most couldn't do.

"I am a sex worker," one woman in the back said, who had raised her hand, "And let me tell you, that the place for most men to admit that is when they're clients. Since, it's all about, 'How do you want to be pleased?', or, 'What can I teach you?'"

After the Q&A, the male nurse made a beeline for the sex worker, and asked her if she had ever read the seminal study from the 1970s, where a sociologist had hid in some prostitutes closets and watched, and then formed descriptions of 9 male sexual types.

(He couldn't remember the title, but it was something like, "Friend Lover Slave".)

Only, the male nurses's eyesight isn't that good (he's kind of old), and he asked the question to this other, quiet (white) girl with brown hair who occasionally comes to the film series, and from what I gathered there is a lesbian.

Me and her talked a bit, and it turns out that she's a few years out of college and has lives for 2-years in these Catholic Worker-like houses run by the diocese, only you commit for a couple years to a time of faith and volunteering, not a life.

She's also a lesbian into leather.

"I wonder how that mixes," I was like. "I bet the diocese would be happy to know that!"

"Sometimes I feel like I'm doubly closeted," she was like. "When I'm around lesbians, people get weirded out about Catholics, and then when I'm around Catholics, they can't know my true self with leather."

I then asked her about the recent election in the National Catholic Conference of Bishops or whatever it's called, and she too was concerned about how a conservative was elected.

Then, she was like, "But, on some level, I'm also not concerned, because, that's not my church," meaning the hierarchy, as I understood her.


JUSIPER said...

This was fantastic, only you never gave a review of the pizza popcorn.

el blogador said...

It was tasty - like a subtle cheese popcorn, with oregano - but somehow not as spicy as I expected.