Saturday, April 10, 2010

New bar in my new neighborhood.

Last week I had a long day, and at the end of it I went down to this bar a few blocks away from my house to grab a drink and read a book... The bar has this hand painted plywood sign above the door and looked dirty, so I've been wanting to try it out for a while.

I went in, and there was no one my age - the bartender ("Phyllis") was this older (white) woman with graying hair who looks like she's been around the block, and the clientele was a couple older Mexicans, and a later an older (black) guy walked in (though it seemed like he was speaking some African language on his cell phone?).

Anyhow, the beer was like $1.75 for a mug, and the bartender was chatty... She had this kind of low-class (white) accent, and was telling me how she was living with her aunt right now but looking to move out - she had moved in with a boyfriend and it hadn't worked out - but she had to save up, and the money was shitty... She also was saying how she grew up in the city in the Puerto Rican neighborhood, which used to be all Polish and Italian, "but then it changed".

That kind of race talk made me a little edgy, and then out of nowhere she started talking in rapid Spanish to one of the Mexican customers, and then when some (white) guy who had walked in asked her about it, she switched back to talking slowly in her low-class (white) accent and was like, "I started learning last year, I got bored," and when the Mexican guy ordered some sort of soda, she held up a straw and asked him what it was in Spanish, and then, looking kind of bored, repeated the word in a near-flawless accent.

When I left, I walked by like two yuppie bars full of (white) people my age or slightly older.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phyllis sounds like a diamond in the rough. Kinda like your old ma.