Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Purple sweater update.

So, on Saturday I stopped by the store where I got the purple sweater for like $60 last year, since they tend to carry a lot of staple wardrobe pieces for several years running. As it happens, they not only had $20 off of sweaters that day, but I was able to talk a cashier into letting me use a "$10 off your next $30 or more purchase" card I had gotten in the mail but left at home...

The one girl cashier on the men's side said no when I asked her, that I'd have to have the actual discount card, so I went to the women's side, and the male cashier there gave it to me! So, I got a new purple sweater for like $27, tax included.

My mother is repairing the holes in the other one so I can wear it everyday now. Some of the holes are really big, though, and she's having a tough time of it. When my dad saw a few of the holes, he was like, "Man alive, that moth must have weighed five pounds when it got done!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

being a cute redhead and gaydar helped you get the discount.