Thursday, November 26, 2009

2 more (black) cashier women.

1) I was getting a coffee the other day at Starbucks, to read a bit before going to karaoke, and the younger (black) girl who rang me up for $1.53 was like, "That will be one hundred and fifty-three dollars, please."

I didn't know how to respond for like a second, but then I was like, "That's it? And people say there are no more deals anymore!", and I handed her my two dollars.

"Thanks," she was like. "I'll be back with your change after I go hit up the shoe sale next door."

2) On Sunday when I was getting my groceries, there was this older (black) lady who had a very small purchase (not even half a bag of produce), and while she was getting out her money, I pulled out my canvas bags, and put them on the part after the scanner so I could start pulling out my produce from the cart and weigh it on the scanner/scale thing, and because my canvas bags touched her produce (the bagger was just starting to bag it), she looked at the young (black) cashier and was like, "I know that some people are in a hurry, but do we really have to do that now?"

As soon as she turned to go, then, I apologized to the cashier if I made the other patron feel rushed.

"Oh, don't worry," she was like, "Older black women always yell at me."

That made me surprised, and I said so, and she was like, "There's a lot of them, they have no money and they're mean and their husbands are dead their families want nothing to do with them, so they come in and take it out on me. My boyfriend thinks so too."

She was really pleasant, so I said again that I was surprised, and then I told her that my mom says people like that deserve what they get, since if they haven't learned social cues by now, that's there problem. The cashier liked that.

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