Saturday, November 14, 2009

Doc / Social Hour from a while ago (part I of II): Doc.

The last sex doc I went to was on 2 HIV- gay male nurses from Florida who were allowed to adopt 5 HIV+ kids because they were unadoptable and everyone thought they would die soon back when AIDS first broke, and it was hosted by Steve the BDSM guy, since, though not gay, he has kids and is part of another sexual minority.

The highpoints:

1) Steve said he's more careful with his kids and discipline then he'd be if he wasn't in BDSM, and because of that, he's never ever spanked them.

"Yeah," someone was like, "But I bet you're really creative punishing them."

2) Steve also said that people think BDSM people are different from everyone else, but his life is quite boring and is like everyone else's who is married with a job and a mortgage etc., the only difference being what you do on a Friday night when you can get away from the kids.

3) This one (black) woman with a short leather skirt, high boots, and bleached blonde hair dropped that she works for social services and does mediation, and that she's controversial with her peers because she thinks parents should need a license to have kids, and that she's arrived at this position after having seen mistreated kids in court for years.

4) Someone said that someone they knew in Kenya said all the kids who were born with AIDS were spoiled because everyone thought they'd die at 1st, and now you have all these kids who grew up in orphanages for whom education and a profession was not stressed, and who don't have the best manners/work ethics compared to other kids there who don't have AIDS, and plus now you have to teach these teenagers about safe sex, and you have kids with AIDS and without AIDS experimenting with each other.

5) After, when I was talking with Steve the BDSM guy, he was saying he might not be able to make the next social hour, since he was building a Tesla coil.

"You know," he was like, "One of those coil things that sparks."

"Fuck," I was like, "For sex?"

"Naw," he was like, "Just for fun, with some friends. We got the design plans off the 'net."

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