Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Dream of Patrice.

I forgot that I had this dream weeks ago --

I dreamt that I was on the street where the gyros lounge is, and it was the early- to mid-70s. Much looked the same, but there was a lot of graffiti on the street, like the downtown was suffering from urban blight.

Anyhow, I look at the gyros lounge, and it looks rough, and I go in, and there's a young version of Patrice standing there wearing a black leather jacket and looking rough, and I know that the place is often frequented by bikers.

...I think I had this dream because I was talking with a friend of a friend ("Frenchie") that same week and she lives in the neighborhood of the gyros lounge and I mentioned I love that bar, but she said she's never been in since it looks 'sketchy', so I somehow dreamed a pre-history for what I think is a very non-sketchy place...

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