Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tips for exams.

I've found only 3 things help in studying for comprehensive exams, 2 of which were tips from friends, and one of which I discovered myself:

1) A friend who finished her ph.d. this year said to clear out your schedule, because it makes you calm to have that much time devoted to studying, even if the marginal returns on the extra hours studying diminish and you want to start doing other academic stuff.

2) Another friend said to think of Calvin and predestination, and that your fate has already been decided.

3) I found out that singing some lyrics from the Black Eyed Peas's "I Got a Feeling" made me feel happy -

tonight's gonna be a good night/
tonight's gonna be a good good night

- and stress-free, even though the song was only stuck in my head, and I didn't start humming it as a means to relieve stress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If "alea jacta est" (per #2), the forecast is more than hopeful! You are fated, for sure, to come out triumphant and pass with flying colors! I look forward to wishing you well as you transition into ABD-hood. L.