Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Swingers's BBQ (30 of several): More Drama.

Like another few minutes after that, the half-Asian dude and the less-chunky version of the bi girl walked by and headed for a backroom, and then another few minutes after that the hairy blonde guy and the chunky bi girl walked by all being like, "Hey, have you seen our friend?", only when I was like, "Oh, they slipped away to the backroom a few minutes ago," the hairy blonde guy was like, "Dude!", and he grabbed the hand of the bi girl and they practically ran to go find them, and it was at that point that it really hit me that they were all newbies and all they had wanted to do for a long time was fuck next to each other, and it took this party for them to do that - 1st break down their barriers a bit and make out in public next to the swing, and then let that feeling sit on them till it built up enough for them to go fuck next to each other.

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