Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Saw Tennille today.

I ended up getting a haircut today. Tennille and I talked a bit about break, about the weather, and about dogs. She said she's never liked dogs, ever since her family had some and they found a dead rat that one had killed on the lawn.

She also double-checked if my last name was "Plouffe", since a while ago I e-mailed her about salsa lessons in the area, and she knew I had worked for the Obama campaign, and now she's kept been getting e-mails from some guy on the campaign named "David".

Also also, she gave me a free can of pomade when she found out it was my birthday!

1 comment:

JUSIPER said...

Wow Tennille loves you. I would never have guessed that one day someone would ask you if you're David Plouffe.