Sunday, January 4, 2009

1 Dream / 2 Tricks of the Eye.

Last night I dreamed that I had a chip in my back right bottom tooth where in actuality I have an incipient cavity, but this chip was like the recent chip in my favorite coffee cup, and I could see it in my head as I ran my tongue over it in the dream.

When I had just gotten up, I looked towards the dining room and for a second when I looked to the dining room, the seats of the chairs under the table took on the form of a demonic black dog.

That reminded me of this really cracked-out night I had before I left my friends I was visiting in Lansing, where I was super-tired and I saw something move on the faucet, and it was water drop sliding down the back, and then down by the edge of the sink cabinet there was this white slit between the cabinet and the carpet where the carpet hadn't been laid down properly, and as I looked at it, it got thinner than bigger than thinner again, though I quickly realized it was an optical illusion depending on whether I stared directly at the crack or not.

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