Thursday, January 22, 2009

Got an e-mail from my mom.

I got this e-mail from my mom yesterday, under the subject line "good bio":

She got away with a lot of shit, no?
Love, Mom

My mom was very impressed when I told her I had inauguration day breakfast with BD, even more than BA; she said she really didn't know who BA was till the election season, but she still remembers back when she was a stewardess stepping out of the airport quick and getting the local newspaper and seeing BD's name and picture all across the front page.

"Far out!", she was like, when I told her. "What does she look like?", and I told her pretty much like any other aging hippie -- turquoise sweater, shoulder-length gray hair with white in it, big dangling gold earrings and clunky jewelry.

"Far out!", my mom was like, again.

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