Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tempest Storm's first celebrity romance.

As revealed in Tempest Storm's Tempest Storm: The Lady is a Vamp, pp. 115ff (here, taken from p. 118),


At the Interlude that night, Mickey introduced me to several other stars who frequented the nightspot. And when we left, he drove straight to the Beverly Hills Hotel. "I started to ask, 'Your place or mine?' but I decided it might as well be mine. I maintain a suite here. I hope that's OK," he said.

It was OK. I liked Mickey Rooney. He'd treated me decently, and I needed him.

Once in his suite, he wasted little time. He mixed me a drink -- which I really didn't want -- put a record on the phonograph and waltzed me around the room. He was a couple of inches shorter than me, and his gaze became fixed on my bosom as we danced.

"Damn! All that meat and no potatoes," he said with a big grin. As the song ended, he let his face drop down until it was buried in my cleavage. To Mickey Rooney, that was foreplay.

Within a few minutes, we were in bed.

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