Friday, January 11, 2008

What makes a good work-out song?

What makes a good work-out song? I was thinking, that if I could, I would listen to music like the very very beginning of "Heroes and Villains" where the songs just busts out, though preferably the live version (which sounds less dated and has more energy, though in any case the song no matter what version has too many tempo changes to be good overall for cardio).

If any readers out there have thoughts, I would love to see your ideas for songs in the 'comments' section to this post.


Anonymous said...

I think it definitely needs to be the kind of song that makes you fear for your mortal life or at the very least eternal soul if you stopped running/working out but in a sort of playful way. Watching Buffy and more recently Dr. Who while exercising has certainly done this for me.

Anonymous said...

Let's get Physical by Olivia Newton John works for me.