Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dream Dream Dream: Corn, Concert.

Like two weeks ago I dreamt that I shucked a cob of corn, and inside the cob had misshapen, irregularly-shaped kernels, some blackened and rotten, and the dried-up cob showed through in between the kernels that were there.

A few days after that, I dreamed I was at a small-venue rock concert and had just gotten a plastic cup of beer and was walking along the edge of the crowd, and I ran into someone I knew, who was standing there by themselves at the edge of the crowd, also with a plastic cup of beer. I don't remember who it was, though, though I think they were around my age.


JUSIPER said...

The first dream is clearly about shit.

el blogador said...

No, it's about the corn that I bought from the store a few weeks ago where the kernels were irregular and scatteredly black at the ends, so I had to cut that part off before boiling. The quality of corn has improved since then.