Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Took multiple shits yesterday.

Yesterday I took like three shits in addition to the one when I got up - twice at the conference, once more when I went home to take a nap. The first one was normal, the second too were of solid consistency and smelled mildly like alcohol. I guess the different consistencies were layered in my bowels like a parfait?

The first time I went to take a shit at the conference I got to see the bathroom graffiti in the chemistry building, where my conference is being held:

I like to lie
where my girl is shy;
I like to paste
below her waist;
She says "You gotta stay";
I say "Good day."

Underneath that in a different hand someone had written "--Robert Frost". If this was a papyrus I was editing, I would have written:

(2nd hand)
--Robert Frost

I don't quite get the paste reference either -- is that like envelope-licking or something?

Anyhow, when I went to wipe my ass, there was no toilet paper, so I had carefully hoist up my pants and move to another stall. There someone had written about whether it was better to go to b-school or be a surgeon, and someone had drawn up on the tile columns where you could vote which was a better career. People were writing things like how surgeons pay better, but their father was a surgeon and the specialty exams were a bitch so go to b-school since it's different. Someone too had drawn an "engineer" column as a career option and another person put under it, "The best of both worlds, hard classes and low pay."

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